Friday, December 7, 2012

Orange and Lentil Soup

Today was a soup kind of day.  I tried a recipe I was curious about and it was semi successful.  It rated two out of three thumbs up from the three of us that ate it for supper.  It was hot dogs for the non-adventurous types.

Orange and Lentil soup piqued my interest when I came across it at (which is one of my favourite recipe sites; real recipes made by real people, made with common ingredients. But I digress.)  I am very fond of lentils, and oranges taste like sunshine, so I figured it was a good choice for a winter evening.  This soup was relatively quick to make, taking only about an hour, which allowed plenty of time to prepare it after work.  After sauteing the onions in a little butter, I threw the rest of the ingredients into the pot and left it alone to simmer for forty minutes or so.  After everything was nice and soft I gave it a quick buzz with the immersion blender and it was ready to eat.

Jane and Jack weren't interested in trying it.  Anne tasted it and proclaimed, politely, that she didn't really care for it.  Jason had two big bowls full.  If he has seconds, it must be good.  If he doesn't go back for more, it's a sign that I don't really need to make that recipe again.  At least not for him.  

This soup was flavoured with thyme and bay leaf, which was interesting when paired with the orange juice.  Its yellow and orange colours were appealing and it smelled great.  Will I make it again?  Maybe.  I think it was missing a little something, but I can't quite put my finger on it.  I may try again another day when I have more time for experimentation.

My soup looked like this.  And the black specks are pepper, not something else that you wouldn't want to find in your soup.


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